Is your question or issue not listed? Feel free to reach out!
defaults write nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main enableDebugLog true
zip -rj ~/Desktop/ ~/Library/Containers/nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main/Data/Library/Logs/Daily/.
on your desktop. Please attach it to your email.defaults write nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main enableDebugLog false
to open the dashboard.Shift+Control+X
to manually add time for today.Shift+Control+R
to toggle time tracking.Shift+Control+Z
to silently track time.Shift+Control+F
to focus the visible dialog.Shift+Control+S
to allocate time to the selected activity.Shift+Control+C
to close the visible -rj ~/Desktop/ ~/Library/Containers/nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main/Data/Library/Daily
should now be located in your Desktop folder containing Daily's data files.unzip -o ~/Desktop/ -d ~/Library/Containers/nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main/Data/Library/Daily
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/nl.nielsmouthaan.daily.main
command. For example:osascript -e 'tell application "Daily" to print json with report "summary" from (current date) - (1 * days) to (current date)'
tell application "Daily"
set InOneHour to (current date) + (1 * hours)
get registration mode
set registration mode "off"
set registration mode "silent" with activity "Meeting"
set registration mode "silent" with activity "Diner" in "Food"
set registration mode "silent" with activity "Customer presentation" that ends InOneHour
set registration mode "ask"
end tell
tell application "Daily"
set Yesterday to (current date) - (1 * days)
add "Documentation"
add "Homework" with duration 10
add "Phone call" with duration 10 for Yesterday
add "Diner" in "Food" with duration 20
edit "Lunch" with duration 15
edit "Coffee" with duration 15 for Yesterday
edit "Diner" in "Food" with duration 15 for Yesterday
end tell
tell application "Daily"
add activity "Diner"
rename activity "Diner" to "Breakfast"
merge activity "Diner" into "Breakfast"
archive activity "Breakfast"
unarchive activity "Coffee"
delete activity "Breakfast"
end tell
in "Group"
(change Group with the actual group name). For example:
add activity "Diner" in "Food"
add group "Food"
move activity "Diner" in "Food" to "Food & Drinks"
ungroup activity "Diner" in "Food"
archive group "Food"
unarchive group "Food"
delete group "Food"
tell application "Daily"
set LastWeek to (current date) - (7 * days)
set Today to (current date)
set Location to "/Some/Absolute/Path/"
export csv with report "summary" from LastWeek to Today with delimiter "," with duration format "H:mm:ss" to file (POSIX file (Location & "summary.csv")) with time rounding
export csv with report "daily" from LastWeek to Today with delimiter "," with duration format "minutes" to file (POSIX file (Location & "daily.csv")) without time rounding
export json with report "summary" from LastWeek to Today with duration format "text" to file (POSIX file (Location & "summary.json")) with time rounding
export json with report "daily" from LastWeek to Today with duration format "seconds" to file (POSIX file (Location & "daily.json")) without time rounding
export activities to file (POSIX file (Location & "activities.json"))
export toggl from LastWeek to Today with email "[email protected]" using format "[%client%] %project%" and fallback "client" with tags "" billable "yes" to file (POSIX file (Location & "toggl.csv"))
print json with report "summary" from LastWeek to Today with duration format "minutes" with time rounding
print activities
end tell
export toggl
) export data without groups being added as separate values. To do this, add the parameter groups as separate values
. For example:
export csv with report "summary" from LastWeek to Today with delimiter "," with duration format "H:mm:ss" to file (POSIX file (Location & "summary.csv")) with time rounding and groups as separate values
Send your question to [email protected] and we will get back to you.